Our Mission

The Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA) is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, structurally part of the Catholic Education Office.

Our mission extends beyond our direct interaction with young people; we also strive to support and equip those who work in guiding and accompanying young people in parishes, schools, and communities.

We strive to empower the people we have the privilege of working with to dream big and work towards making those dreams a reality. Join us in our journey to inspire and nurture the faith of the next generation, as we work together to build a community where young people feel valued, supported, and encouraged on their spiritual path.

Our Goals

Authentic accompaniment with young people.


Experiences and encounter of God and Church.


Empower youth for leadership now and the future.


Support new and existing ministries for young people.


Our Vision Statement

COYYA is guided by the Vision Statement developed by the Archdiocesan Council for Ministry for Young People

“The Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide seeks to be a church where young people experience an inclusive community which…

Listens and enters into dialogue;

Values and embraces diversity;

Is committed to offering opportunities for and with young people to participate in the life, faith and mission of the church;

And empowers and forms young people in their humanity, faith and leadership.